Miss Keetha has been busy making red and green changes in the decor around here! We wondered what in the WORLD was goin' on - - - so we perambulated out and about to see what we could find.
It didn't take long, even for old backwoods bears like us, to figure out that Christmas MUST be coming!
Why ole Frosty here, who appeared on our table between Freddie Finz and us, was practically SHOUTING a clue at us.
Other "folk" like Mr. Swanny, swimmin' on the Oak Pond, didn't have much to say, instead they just flaunted their festivities.
These guys kinda scared us, carrying their weapons (or as Brunhilda says, wheapons) and all - - - except that one goofy dude who is holding a dead fish. Now what do you reckon THAT is all about????
This was the closest thing to a Christmas Tree we could find. We asked Mr. and Mrs. Snowfolk if THEY knew where the "real" tree was, but they got rather huffy and said this WAS a real tree.
Some people need to get OUT more!
This little guy, Snowfolk Junior, couldn't hear us through his ear muffs so we just gave him a grin and a couple of high fives and continued on our way.
Now this surely did make us scratch our heads in confusion. This little gal in gold is way too big to fit into ANY of these houses. Suppose that's why she's out in the cold just a PRAYIN' for some shelter?
This Christmas Cat is big enough to pounce on us and eat us - - - but we ain't a skeered, she hasn't got any eyes, nor no teeth neither!!!
And so, with that we'd better scamper back up on our table before Miss Keetha catches us roaming.
But before we go, let us wish you and yours a "Beary Meary" Christmas!!!
Our old pal, Freddie Finzsaltandpepper is BACK!!! He joined us on our little old kitchen table sometime this afternoon.
We are SOOOOOOO excited to be reunited.
He said it was pure torture being wrapped up in newsprint and buried in a dark box. It was like being wrapped in a rug and riding a roller coaster in the dark. He could hardly breathe and he thought he would just die.
We can't believe Miss Keetha would do that to him, can you?
Well friends, we have arrived in our new neck of the woods. We rode in our purse conveyance the whole way - - - scared to peep out of the top for fear Miss Keetha would see us and wrap us up in news print.
We were fortunate - - - she didn't have any news papers.
She did, however, kinda forget about us in our purse conveyance. So today, we found ourselves someplace we've never been before!
We settled in our seat with our bulletins.
We met Miss Connie and her two daughters, Tracie and Kayla.
Kayla wanted us to sit by her. Happy to oblige!
These people really "get" us! Miss Connie wanted us to be able to join in the singing - - -
So she held us.
We think we're gonna LIKE this place.
We'll be back with more news that is bearly news later - - -
We'd like to THANK all of you for helping us solve our mystery last week. We think you're right - - - Miss Keetha and Fisherhubby are MOVING!!!!
We haven't seen any more of Freddie Finzsaltandpepper, but Hildy thought she heard him sniffling and crying and BEGGING to be let out of the newsprint late one night.
The idea of being wrapped up in newsprint scared us hairless, so - - -
This morning when Miss Keetha was up by 5:30 AM scrambling and packing and doing final sorting, it was pretty obvious to us that TODAY wasn't just any OLD day.
So, rather than RISK being wrapped in paper, or WORSE - - - left behind - - - we found Miss Keetha's purse and hid ourselves in it.
Sure enough, when we dared "peep" over the sides, we could see that the house was emptying out - - - FAST.
Of course, we didn't SEE this part - - - we were hiding safely in that nice warm purse. But we KNOW it was happening - - - we could still HEAR.
Miss Keetha's dad, Peepaw (a young 81 year old) and their Pastor came to help. And BOY did they EVER help!!!
Miss Keetha was soooooo tired after a few hours, we heard her sniffing to keep back the tears.
But NOT Peepaw, he went full bore all day long.
And that Pastor Mark - - - turns out besides being a Master Pastor, he's a MASTER Packer! He knew just where to put everything.
By 4:00 PM that truck was locked and loaded and "roaded."
Now we're in a hotel resting. Ma and I are still in our purse conveyance - - - just in case.
Miss Keetha is listening to ESPN (are you surprised?) and working (playing?) on her computer.
And Fisherhubby? Well, let's just say we can HEAR him sleeping. Sounds like we're back in our wooded den listening to CHAIN SAWS!!!!
We first became aware of it when things that didn't belong here began to aggregate on OUR table. I mean, SOMETIMES Miss Keetha or Fisherhubby set something on OUR table for a day or two - - - but this??? Nothing like THIS ever before. What IS all this stuff?
I decided to check with Freddie Finzsaltandpepper who also lives on this table to see if HE knows what's going on.
You may REMEMBER Freddie, we introduced you to him when he first arrived a year or so ago.
Imagine my SHOCK and HORROR when I couldn't find Freddie ANYWHERE.
"Borris, Borris!!!" I shouted. "Come help me find Freddie, he's missing!!!"
"Calm down, Hildy, I'm sure he's here somewhere!" Borris tried to reassure me.
We searched every inch of that table top. We even separated and went around things from opposite sides just to be sure we didn't miss finding Freddie.
"HE IS LIKE TOTALLY GONE!!!! I don't like this, Borris!!" I cried. "Nope, I don't like this not even one LITTLE bit!!"
Borris growlingly admitted I had a point and wasn't just being an overwraught she-bear.
We decided to wait until Miss Keetha wasn't around and do a further investigation.
What we have found has curled our black bear hair!!!
Places in this house that are usually covered over with things are now BARE!!! (And I don't mean BEAR either!)
Ever since Borris and I have dwelt in this den, there has been a lovely little village on this mantle. We used to LOVE to visit with our friends here after the people had gone to bed.
Now it is a vast wasteland. VAST!!!
And here there has always been a tea party going on by the light of a hurricane lamp.
Do you SEE any tea party, or any hurricane lamp for that matter?????
Nor do we.
"Borris," I cried, "I'm scared! What in the WORLD can be happening?"
"I don't know Hildy, I'm afraid you have good reason to be concerned this time!"
We continued our search and found - - - - MORE emptiness.
"Look Borris!" I pointed. "There's a huge box down there and it's got lots of Miss Keetha's STUFF in it!?! Do you suppose a fishnapper thief has come in here, taken Freddie Finzsaltandpepper and is now trying to make off with Miss Keetha's other things???? And DO YOU THINK WE'RE NEXT!!!"
"Try to calm yourself, Hildy. We'll keep looking around and see if we can figure this mystery out," soothed Borris.
In the hallway we found more boxes. In them were collectable type objects, many of which were carefully wrapped in newsprint.
"I wish I could READ peoplish!" I wailed. "Maybe there's a clue on this news print!"
We continued our search for clues in the garage.
There we found stacks of things ready to be whisked right out the door. There were boxes all carefully taped up. The boat and ALL the fishing gear was GONE. Fisherhubby's exercise machine was even out there all neatly folded up!!!
I tell ya - - - I was nearly beside myself with panic by this time! It was all Borris could do to keep me from fainting dead away right on the spot.
Then we noticed it.
Miss Keetha's car - - - the hatch all loaded FULL of nicely packed and taped up boxes. There were magic marker words written on them like, "Tea Set," "Fiesta," and "Haviland."
"These are Miss Keetha's TREASURES!" I shouted to Borris. "They are all packed and loaded into her car!!! Do you think she's going to slip away in the night and LEAVE US HERE??? Looks like Fisherhubby is going with her - - - his fishing gear is already gone, his Bowflex is all folded up ready to go, and you KNOW Miss Keetha NEVER touches THAT!!!"
"I just don't KNOW, Hildy." Borris sighed. "Miss Keetha LOVES us, I sure don't think she'd abandon us! And what about Freddie??? Where is he??? Would Miss Keetha take HIM and leave US??? I don't THINK so."
"Well then, we're back to a fishnapper thief who has taken Freddie, left us behind, and is now trying to make off with all this stuff! Oh WHAT shall we do???" I wailed at the top of my she-bear lungs - - - completely LOSING it.
"I just don't know, Hildy!" Borris whispered, fear looming large in his big brown bear-eyes.
So - - - all you out there in blogland. Can YOU help us???
Can you tell us what has happened to Freddie Finzsaltandpepper?
Can you tell us why all Miss Keetha's treasures are boxed up?
Do you know why Fisherhubby's stuff is GONE out of the garage - - - except his Bowflex and THAT is all folded up in an unusable condition???
Are we in danger of being bearnapped?
Do you think we need to put out an Ambear Alert????
Today Miss Keetha put us in her purse and took us on an adventure to Old Mexico - - - sort of.
It was called La Charreada.
When we came in the door, I peeked over the top of the purse and saw people smiling and calling out greetings to our Miss Keetha, only they didn't call her that. They kept saying "Hola, Panchita!!!" She smiled and greeted them back, so I guess there's a whole nother side to her that we don't know!!
Soon our waiter, David, came to our table. "Panchita" introduced us to him.
At first he looked at us like we were plain old salt and peppers or something - - - but it didn't take him long to realize we were alive and kicking.
He left us a basket of chips and a bowl of salsa.
I dove right in. Yummy!
Borris was a little more discreet. Oh, but don't be misled! I saw he had lots of salt on his whiskers and salsa dripping off his chin. I wasn't fooled - - - he was as big a pig as I was, just a little more polite.
Next Juan Carlos, the manager, came to our table. He was just about the nicest human we've had the fortune to meet. He loved us right away, so we both kissed him on the cheeks.
He kept telling "Panchita" that he was going to miss her when she moves away.
Now, for the BIGGEST SURPRISE of all!!! We were at LaCharreada to meet and greet Miss Kristin, The Goat!!!! She was passing through our little old town on her way from Jacksonville, Florida to Michigan.
We met her last year at this time, and we just adore her.
She read us the selections on the menu and let us help her order.
When the food came, she even fed us bites from our own little bear-fork.
Miss Kristin, you ROCK. We are sooooooo glad Miss Keetha took us out to have lunch with you.
I sneaked onto Miss Keetha's lappy to make a post without letting Brunhilda know what I was doing. I thought it would be a gentler kinder post that way.
This is the main Inn at Story, Indiana. Miss Keetha took us there this weekend. She was involved in a wedding, but we weren't invited to that.
I've TRIED to tell Brunhilda that if she was nicer she'd get invited out in public more often - - - but so far she hasn't heeded.
So, while Miss Keetha was weddingizing, we found another way to entertain ourselves.
First we went bowling. TOILET bowling. Can you find us in this picture?
Oh, just look a little closer - - - we're about to make a STRIKE!
I don't know WHY other bears weren't bowling. There were sure a lot of bowls to choose from!
Story Inn is in Brown County. It sure was a gorgeous place. Hildy and I considered making our den there and hibernating for the winter.
But, we'd miss Fisherhubby and Miss Keetha too much so we decided against it. Besides, they would move off to Wisconsin and leave us behind if we were in Brown County all winter.
We don't get to see our big brother, Kyle, very often - - - so we jumped on his pillow and growled in his ears until he woke up.
Until next time - - - keep your paws out of the honey!
Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper here, but you may call us Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper.
We are sooooooo excited to announce that Miss Keetha has decided to give us our OWN blog. She is helping us set it up and tweak it out just the way we want it!!! She is even going to add all our OLD posts, you know - - - the ones we did over at HER blog.
We are so very happy to have all our paw prints here in one place!!
I, Brunhilda, will be doing MOST of the writing - - - I'm the one who's mastered the keyboard - - - but old grouchy Borris will stick his paw in too from time to time.
So - - - join us for our "ride" through blogland.
Sometimes we'll travel by canoe - - - squirrel entirely optional.
Sometimes we'll hitch a ride with Miss Keetha and Fisherhubby.
Sometimes we'll set off on our OWN adventures in our very own shiny monster pick-up truck.
We may go sailing with Captain Fisherhubby on his boat - - -
Or we might set sail on our own little marine vessel.
But rest assured, whatever the means we choose - - - FUN shall ALWAYS go with us.
And now, before we CLOSE this, our very first post on our very own blog, let us show you this:
Miss Carol of "My Painting Room" found these two bears who appear to be imposters of US. Or are we replicas of them????
You decide.
More soon - - - we have plans for a little "excursion" this weekend, Miss Keetha willing.
Hi! We're Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper, but you may call us Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper.
We heard about a couple of white Target birds who got to travel all over the place a few months ago. We'd like to send them a shout out and a big THANK YOU!!
You see, Miss Keetha heard about their travels and decided she'd let US go on vacation with her to the Northwoods. You know we're just tickled pink, well I guess black, 'cause we're FROM the Northwoods, don't'cha know!
We're all packed - - - 'course ma, that would be Brunhilda Bearsaltandpepper to you, packed a little on the heavy side. Now we just have to wait for Miss Keetha and her fisherhubby to get on the stick. Fisherhubby is at work - - - what's he thinkin', doesn't he know this is OUR vacation?!?
I guess this is ta-ta for now, we need to go hibernate for a few hours so we can keep Miss Keetha awake while she's driving later.
We have all kinds of fun stuff "up our paws" to do on vacation - - - be sure you check back here often to see what we're up to.
Welcome to our little world! Today, April Fools Day 2011, Miss Keetha is linking this little 'ole post up to the No Linky Party that Miss Anna sponsors over at Wit Behind the Ears.
We can BEARLY contain our excitement. And we ain't just FOOLIN' neither!!!
You may remember us from Miss Keetha's post yesterday. We are Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper but you may call us Brunhilda and Borris Bearsaltandpepper.
First we have a bit of business from yesterday's post to take care of. Someone LAUGHED at us for our blatant and obvious use of scotch tape. To that we say, IT WORKS. Let he who has never imbibed in scotch (tape) be the only one to laugh.
Now, on with the story of our adventure.
Once we had our knapsacks all packed, we waited until Miss Keetha wasn't looking and slipped them in with her "stuff." Pretty clever that, or at least WE thought so.
She has so much stuff she'll never even see our tiny bit.
Then we went out onto the driveway for a few practice spins in our brand new wheels. Wow - - - they go FAST. Ma loved the breeze ruffling her fur. Sure beats standing around on a kitchen table waiting to "shake your booty."
At 2 AM we set out on our adventure FOR REAL.
First thing we had to learn to do was gas up our 4X4.
We don't quite "get" all the grumbling we hear from folks about the price of gas - - - it only cost us ten cents and we were good to go - - -
Until we saw FIRST PAW what it means to "play with the big boys."
Everything out there was SCARY. So - - -
We made a deal with fisherhubby that we would clean his windshield at each stop in exchange for the priviledge of riding - - - WITH OUR WHEELS - - - in his ridiculously oversized rig.
I think we got the short end of the stick - - - just look how dirty his truck is!!!
After that we hopped in fisherhubby's back seat and slept away the miles and the dark.
We awoke to a Wisconsin welcome - - - a very WET Wisconsin welcome.
We had to nix our idea of an al fresco breakfast.
Good thing WE aren't pets!!!
We tried our claws at a little jungle exploration.
Then it was off for a slide on the playground.
Kind of a "slip and slide" in the rain.
Then we read the morning paper.
Just what is it with these Wisconsin people and their pets????
We checked out the weather forecast.
Whew - - - looks like Miss Keetha and fisherhubby are going to drive us right out of the rain soon.
Next we read the vacation brochures. There are A LOT of things to do and see in Wisconsin!!!
Back on the road again - - - Every mile is bringing us closer to our Northwoods roots.
But Miss Keetha had OTHER plans - - -
She hijacked us And the next thing we knew, we were at Lake Wazeecha on Red Sand Beach
We dipped our hind paws in the water. It tickled.
Then we basked in the sun to warm up.
Somehow we felt very insignificant In a sunny and sandy world.
We needed a drink of water before We could head up north To our day's hotel destination.
Adam helped us check into the Grand Stay in Eau Claire. The Grand Stay is - - - - well - - - - GRAND!
We hurried up to our deluxe room
And burrowed our road weary bodies Into our large and comfy bed. We had sweet dreams of tomorrow When we will arrive in our very own corner of the NORTHWOODS.